
Divine Action and Providence: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics is unavailable, but you can change that!

The claim that God acts in the world is surely a basic theological claim, but it is one that has been construed in a wide variety of ways in the Christian theological tradition. In some accounts, God appears as the largest, first, and most powerful agent. In others, God is portrayed as the transcendent ground of all finite agency, while never acting on the same plane as other agents. The...

of creation is an unrepeatable, once-for-all act which results in a reality distinct from God, having been summoned forth from nothing; it begins in time and ends in it; the finished nature of this act of the creation of the creature means that its being includes all its “temporal developments, extensions and relationships … in all the individual forms of the creaturely world and in all the historical manifestations and modifications of its existence.”14 Providence is thus an act of God presupposed
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